Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Do You Love Your Life

Do you love your life?  I mean do you REALLY love your life?  Not just some parts of it, but ALL of it?  If you are like most people, you probably love SOME areas of your life, and that’s good.  But if you were honest, and I mean REALLY honest, you would probably admit there is at least ONE are of your life you aren’t loving.  Maybe it’s your job. You hate it.  Driving there every day makes you physically nauseous.  You would love to do something else, but the fear of the unknown is too immense.  Or maybe it’s a relationship you are in. You spend more time and energy arguing and fighting than you do actually enjoying the other person.  Or maybe it’s those 30 extra pounds you’ve been carrying around.  That “one thing” we aren’t totally content or happy with can end up preventing us from loving our lives.

You don’t believe me?  Think back of the last time you got in a horrible fight with someone you love.  Were you able to concentrate on anything else? Probably not.  Our minds tend to ruminate on something until there is some kind of closure or healing. Yet so many of us go through life with so much unfinished business. Our minds are left to work over- time wondering, worrying and fearing the worst.

Life may not always be exactly as we would like it; however, we can learn to love our lives despite what is happening.  Don’t worry, this isn’t another one of those, “fake it until you make it” speeches. I’m not one who espouses to putting on a happy face and pretending like everything is okay when it really isn’t.  In fact, I’m suggesting just the opposite. Sometimes, we need to wipe those fake smiles off our faces and allow ourselves to show the hurt, disappointment and anger we are truly feeling.  We may need to end some relationships which are no longer serving us. We may need to find the courage to try something we know we were destined to do. We may have to finally face those fears which have been keeping us stuck.

But unless we take the time to truly get to know ourselves, we may stay stuck and never truly love ourselves or the lives we are living. This means we need to make time to figure out who we are. What brings us the greatest joy?  What makes us ache inside? What pain and disappointment have we carried into adulthood?  Until we get to the root of all of those questions, we may struggle loving our lives.

Life is too short not to love every minute of it.
Invest in yourself today.  Learn how to love your life.
Stacy Rothenberger
Certified Relationship and Mindset Coach

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