Friday, May 15, 2015

Energy Zappers

            What’s zapping you of your energy?  

Before I got divorced, I was constantly thinking/talking about what my husband was or wasn’t doing and how dysfunctional our marriage was.  It consumed me, to the point of emotional and physical exhaustion.

            People, circumstances, events, emotions, relationships, even pillows can drain you of your much needed energy.

            Pillows?  Yes, pillows.  Years ago, in an effort to keep up appearances, I had 6 pillows strategically placed throughout my living room,( which really isn’t where I wanted my kids to live, it was more of a parlor, where I desired to have an uncluttered, peaceful refuge for myself and my company).

            Those darn pillows were such a huge energy zapper in my life.  Due to 5 children who didn’t share in my value of aesthetics, those pillows got misplaced approximately 25 times a day.

 I either repositioned them while complaining loudly to my children or I would become very agitated and demand they quit acting like kids and leave the pillows alone!

Finally the thought struck me, “Why don’t you just put the pillows away until you have company and then get them out?” Why didn’t I think of that sooner?  It would have saved me a lot of wasted energy on something which really didn’t matter in the great scheme of things.

            So what is bothering you? Is it something simple as pillows? Or is it a bigger issue that is causing you emotional and physical exhaustion

            Is it going to a job you hate?  Are you constantly struggling with your finances?  Do you continue investing yourself in a dysfunctional relationship?

            We all have energy zappers in our life. The question is, what are they costing you?  What are you going to do about them?

1.     List all of the things/people that may be energy zappers in your life.
2.     Pick one of these.
3.     Brainstorm ideas which could alleviate these energy zappers.
4.     Find an accountability partner who can help you either eliminate energy zappers or find a positive way of improving the situation.

Stacy Rothenberger, M.S.CCC-SLP, CLC
Communications Disorders Consultant
Certified Mindset and Relationship Coach

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